Event organization and communication is a dynamic process requiring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience. If you are organizing an event and want to create the best possible impression on your clients, partners, journalists, or employees, we invite you to contact the “Chestnut” team! We will also ensure maximum event exposure in the media and on social networks.


Energesman, an operator of the Vilnius Region Waste Sorting Plant.


  • To organize an event for journalists, the client’s partners, and representatives from municipalities and the Ministry of Environment to introduce the new glass line.

Our team’s activities: 

  • Creative concept and scenario preparation
  • Guest list and invitations
  • Sound and lighting equipment, venue decoration
  • Media relations, press release preparation and distribution
  • Social media communication
  • Photography, filming, and video production
  • Coordination during the event


  • The event was attended by the Minister of Environment, representatives from Vilnius Region municipalities, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other partners
  • 5 journalists from various news portals and TV channels
  • 14 articles in the media
  • 3 TV reports
  • 36,700 audience reached on Facebook and LinkedIn

Client’s social media accounts:


Media coverage:

Vilniaus atliekų rūšiavimo gamykloje atidaryta nauja stiklo atrinkimo linija  

Dar yra kur pasistengti: daug stiklo šiukšlių vis dar nerūšiuojama

Iš atliekų atrinks milimetrines stiklo duženas: pradžia viršija lūkesčius, išmetamo stiklo – milijonams stiklainių

„Energesman“ paleido 2 mln. Eur kainavusią stiklo rūšiavimo liniją

Vilniaus atliekų rūšiavimo gamykloje atidaryta nauja stiklo atrinkimo linija

Vilniaus atliekų rūšiavimo gamykloje – nauja stiklo atrinkimo linija: iš atliekų atskirs net už 10 milimetrų mažesnes duženas