For any organization aiming to create a strong and distinctive company image, it is important to ensure effective corporate communication, and leveraging executive communication opportunities can be particularly beneficial.


One of the largest banks in the country – „OP Corporate Bank“


Increasing the awareness of the OP Corporate Bank Lithuania branch within a specific B2B sector.

Our team’s activities: 

  • Creative concept and scenario preparation
  • Guest list and invitations
  • Sound and lighting equipment, venue decoration
  • Media relations, press release preparation and distribution
  • Social media communication
  • Photography, filming, and video production
  • Coordination during the event


  • The event was attended by the Minister of Environment, representatives from Vilnius Region municipalities, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other partners
  • 5 journalists from various news portals and TV channels
  • 14 articles in the media
  • 3 TV reports
  • 36,700 audience reached on Facebook and LinkedIn

Client’s social media accounts:

Media coverage:

Leda Iržikevičienė vadovaus „OP Corporate Bank“ Lietuvos filialui

Tyrimas parodė, kad vienoje srityje Lietuva gerokai lenkia Latviją ir Estiją

„OP Corporate Bank“ Lietuvoje komunikacijos ir kultūros vadove tapo R. Vileniškienė