Every organization must have a crisis management plan. It is essential to anticipate potential crisis scenarios and prepare processes, frameworks, and tools in advance to minimize the impact of crises. We invite you to work with the “Chestnut” team to prepare for potential crisis situations in your business.




„UCS Baltic“ – a company that implements and maintains accounting and management systems in the hospitality sector.


  • Manage the crisis situation.
  • Increase brand awareness in the B2B sector.

Our team’s activities: 

  • Crisis communication: preparation and distribution of press releases, drafting responses for journalists, and communicating the company’s position across its channels.
  • Media relations: nurturing relationships with the media through regular publications on major news portals.
  • Social media management: administration of LinkedIn and Facebook accounts.
  • Website news section management: updating and managing the news section of the website.


  • Successfully managed the crisis situation.
  • Increased social media audience reach.
  • Attracted new clients.
  • Published news articles on major news portals.

Client’s social media accounts:

Media coverage:

„UCS Baltic“ rado alternatyvą jos siūlytai rusiškai restoranų programinei įrangai

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